Free Download WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.10 – WordPress Optimization Plugin


What is WP-Optimize Premium?

Make your website fast and efficient.WP-Optimize is a revolutionary, all-in-one plugin that cleans your database, compresses large images, and archives your website.

This simple, popular and highly effective tool has everything you need to keep your website fast and thoroughly optimized!

Help boost SEO, retain customers by reducing user bounce, and do more with fewer server resources.

Trusted by nearly 1 million WordPress sites, this simple yet powerful tool has everything you need to keep your site neat, clean, and thoroughly optimized.

⭐See also: Summary of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeforWPtheme

The unlimited creative subscription

WP-Optimize Premium Demo

WP-Optimize Premium Features

Features WP-Optimize Premium
  • Retain data during cleanup
  • Easy optimization
  • Statistics
  • Perform automatic cleanup
  • Enabled for admins only
  • Set notifications
  • Clean up drafts automatically
  • Remove Akismet and other old metadata from comments
  • Remove edits to old posts and spam
  • Trackbacks and pingbacks
  • Restore original function
  • Hold EXIF ​​data
  • Compress images up to 64MB
  • Compress every existing image on your site at once with the push of a button
  • Lossy or lossless compression options
  • Preload cache
  • Device-specific cache
  • Advanced exclusion rules
  • Browser cache
  • Compress HTML, JavaScript and CSS to reduce website load time
  • Multisite Support: Optimize any site (or combination of sites) on your WordPress Multisite or network
  • Choice and flexibility: Choose from several advanced options, like the ability to optimize individual DB tables
  • Remove unwanted images: Remove orphaned images and images that exceed certain size limits from WordPress sites
  • Lazy loading: Loads only the parts of the web page that are visible to the user, allowing the page to load much faster
  • Scheduling: Sophisticated scheduling system to perform optimizations as often as you want
  • Logging and reporting: Send log messages to three other locations: Slack, Syslog, and Simple History
  • Multi-language and multi-currency compatible: This makes caching work smoothly if you use multiple languages ​​or currencies on your site
  • WP-CLI: Run optimization commands directly on the command line with detailed output on screen

WP-Optimize Premium Nulled Free Changelog

Download WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.6 Nulled Free
= v3.2.6 – 15/Jun/2022 =

  • FIX: Incorrect static method calling causes parse Error in PHP 5.6.36
  • FIX: WebP – Trailing slash file creation issue in PHP 8
  • FIX: PHP warning in cache rules file
  • FIX: Asynchronous google fonts loaded twice
  • TWEAK: Conditional Tags anchor tag fix

= v3.2.1 – 29/Nov/2021 =
* FIX: Apply different image compression levels
* FIX: Cache – Purge WooCommerce product page after stock update
* FIX: Database errors after adding a new site
* FIX: Flatsome theme compatibility with google fonts
* FIX: Image compression advanced settings, display default backup days instead of empty value.
* FIX: Image compression was not working when the image extension used capital letters
* FIX: Premium – Cache – Potential PHP error in User-specific cache
* FIX: Premium – resolve potential admin-area PHP error if the deprecated mailchimp sync plugin and MC4WP plugin are both active (and potentially other situations where a plugin deactivates another)
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – compatibility with PHP 8
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – issue with parenthesis in name
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – Pagination count doesn’t update
* FIX: Prevent a PHP notice when using with UpdraftCentral
* FIX: Save prioritize maximum compression setting correctly
* FIX: Wrong redirect when wiping settings on multisite
* TWEAK: Premium – add review link at bottom of settings
* TWEAK: Force monolog/monolog and psr/log versions to retain PHP 5.X compatibility/satisfy SVN hooks
* TWEAK: Add compatibility with Kinsta
* TWEAK: Added functionality for to convert MyISAM to InnoDB
* TWEAK: Add filters for minify input string
* TWEAK: Cache – Added filter to modify cache exception urls
* TWEAK: Cache – Optimize preload from sitemap
* TWEAK: Cache – Serve different versions based on cookie consent
* TWEAK: changed filter to prevent deprecation notice in php 8.1+
* TWEAK: Decide automatically whether to inline css or not based on file size
* TWEAK: Fix typo in text domain name
* TWEAK: get_hurl function minified.
* TWEAK: Improve clarity of debug message when DONOTCACHEPAGE constant is used
* TWEAK: Improve DB UI/UX on multisite
* TWEAK: Improve minify cache size messages
* TWEAK: Making Estatik plugin compatible
* TWEAK: Minify – Add JS translations support
* TWEAK: Minify HTML only on cache pre-loading
* TWEAK: Port from previous semaphore classes to Updraft_Semaphore_3_0
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Show that there are images in the trash without having to re-scan everything
* TWEAK: Prevent a PHP notice when downloding image compression log file. Fix backup modal styling issue.
* TWEAK: Prevent fatal error in gzip settings when stylesheet could not be fetched
* TWEAK: Short-circuit trivial case of nothing in the buffer when page-cacheing, to involve any possible other issues
* TWEAK: Update comments count after trackbacks and pingbacks deletion
* TWEAK: Update minified asset when the enqueued scripts and styles version change
* TWEAK: Use proper constant of includes path in user cache extension

= v3.1.12 – 12/Jul/2021 =
* FEATURE: Ability to defer js files and asynchronously load css files
* FEATURE: Option to not aggregate inline styles and scripts
* FIX: Always purge this cache HTML issue
* FIX: Cache – Enable cache for subfolders and multisite installation with the permalink structure
* FIX: PHP 8 Issue: Minify and Merge Error
* FIX: Silent failure of page caching if plugin location not found
* TWEAK: Added Update URI header field to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a plugin of a similar name from the Plugin Directory.
* TWEAK: Delay displaying notices for 2 weeks
* TWEAK: Improve label of when saving a media type in always purge this
* TWEAK: Improve query for EWWW IO history
* TWEAK: Prevent a PHP notice if using WP-Optimize and MetaSlider on the same site.
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP warnings from theme update and google font minify
* TWEAK: Skip HTML minification if the total size is > 1MB (takes too long to be worthwhile)
* TWEAK: Updating custom compression slider values

= v3.1.11 – 08/Jun/2021 =
* FIX: Cache – Don’t cache pages for logged-in users when ‘Serve cached pages to logged in users’ option (new in 3.1.10) is enabled

= v3.1.10 – 26/May/2021 =
* FEATURE: Premium – Cache – User-specific cache. Useful for subscription websites, and websites where tailored content is offered to logged-in users.
* FEATURE: Page cache now also caches RSS feeds
* FEATURE: Ability to exclude files from minify process
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP warning when deactivating Minify and the cache folder does not exist anymore
* TWEAK: Premium – Lazy-load – Possibility to disable Lazy load on specific pages
* TWEAK: Do not enqueue deleted script
* FIX: Minify – Some pattern CSS import statements broke site
* FIX: Minify – Events triggering
* FIX: Google Fonts regression in 3.1.9

= v3.1.9 – 29/Apr/2021 =
* FEATURE: Power Tweak – Change meta_key field length and create new index
* FEATURE: Premium – Automatic Backups using UpdraftPlus during scheduled optimizations
* FEATURE: Keep last X revisions
* FIX: Overlapping header notice in mobile view
* FIX: Cache – Wildcard not working in cache exclusions
* FIX: Prevent error in htaccess when mod_header isn’t available
* FIX: PHP Fatal error on deleting plugin
* FIX: PHP 8 Issue: loadAsync JS error
* FIX: RankMath breaks robots.txt
* TWEAK: Bypass minify when editing translations using TranslatePress
* TWEAK: Purge minify cache from front end
* TWEAK: Minify – Prevent cache directory creation while disabled
* TWEAK: Add Google Fonts API version 2 support
* TWEAK: Minify – Save all tab content settings changes with single Click
* TWEAK: Improved optimization preview
* TWEAK: Filter the list of preloaded URLs
* TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
* TWEAK: Bump WP version requirement to 4.5+

= v3.1.8 – 12/Mar/2021 =
* FIX: Cache – Warning failed to open dir
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – Fixed issue with images including a size suffix similar to WP sizes
* FIX: Display optimization data based on retention period
* FIX: Scheduled cleanup settings – Invalid date selection
* TWEAK: Premium – Separate table optimisations per sub-site
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Add compatibilty with the Envira Gallery plugin
* TWEAK: Page caching: add support for Avada
* TWEAK: Add visual clue when image compression was cancelled
* TWEAK: Image compression – multi image selection using Ctrl/Shift keys
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Reset last clicked image reference when `select none` is clicked
* TWEAK: Prevent bots from indexing plugins list json file
* TWEAK: Minify – Added a setting to change the time stale cache should be kept
* TWEAK: Better support for Beaver Builder
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP warning when reading a file’s size
* TWEAK: Cache – Purge the blog page when updating a post
* TWEAK: Cache – Purge next and previous posts on post update
* TWEAK: Cache – Purge sitemap files on post update

= v3.1.7 – 12/Feb/2021 =
FEATURE: Premium – Preload key requests (Preload fonts and other assets)
FIX: Detecting Brotli compression issue
FIX: Cache – PHP Warning in URLs to exclude from caching
FIX: Premium – Unused images – Unused Images Tool not recognising Greek characters
FIX: Button for disabling Gzip doesn’t showing
TWEAK: Database optimization – Prevent fatal error due to files missing
TWEAK: Skip minify when SCRIPT_DEBUG is set to true
TWEAK: Fixed Font-awesome settings
TWEAK: Add support for different spellings of “Font-awesome”
TWEAK: Update the feature comparison table
TWEAK: Added the option to not show the warning before deleting a table
TWEAK: Wipe all options upon plugin de-installation
TWEAK: Premium – Lazy-load – Lazy load support for background images
TWEAK: Minify – Add file size in the minify cache summary
TWEAK: Detect conflicting plugins for GZIP issue
TWEAK: Database optimization – Include all tables if database prefix is not set on WP install
TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – added “X of X images loaded” for unused trash images
TWEAK: Don’t allow to remove actionscheduler_* tables
TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Show a progression screen when doing any action with unused images
TWEAK: Cache – Enable cache for the old default permalink structure by creating a folder without the extention
TWEAK: Show previous action as message on Trackbacks or Comments enable or disable.
TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notice on PHP 8.0
TWEAK: Update notices

= v3.1.6 – 17/Dec/2020 =
* FIX: Fix wrong class name

= v3.1.5 – 17/Dec/2020 =
* FEATURE: Introduction of Power tweaks (premium feature)
* FEATURE: Power tweak – replace WooCommerce “Get total spent” query by a faster one
* FIX: CloudFlare not detected on gzip and browser caching tabs
* FIX: Cloudflare caching issue
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – Download CSV warning
* FIX: PHP 8 compatibility issue WP_Optimize_Browser_Cache->prepare_interval()
* TWEAK: Upgrade jQuery code to deal with deprecations with the latest bundled version
* TWEAK: Fix wrong usage of wp_localize_script to prevent warnings in PHP 8
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Update the data when moving images to the trash / deleting instead of doing a hard refresh
* TWEAK: Change how default exclusions are handled
* TWEAK: Now that PHP 8.0 has been released, bump minimum PHP version requirement from PHP 5.4 to 5.6.
* TWEAK: Delete WP-O’s .htaccess rules at deactivation
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Separate unused images and unused image sizes processes
* TWEAK: Update jQuery document ready style to the one not deprecated in jQuery 3.0
* TWEAK: Minify CSS – Possibility to toggle the google fonts `display=swap` parameter from the UI.
* TWEAK: Fix small UI issues
* TWEAK: Clean up all cron events when deactivating the plugin
* TWEAK: Premium – Possibility to set permissions for purging page cache and minify files.
* TWEAK: Bypass minify when editing a post using the Brizy editor
* TWEAK: Renamed UpdraftCentral’s command classes filter
* TWEAK: Bump WP version requirement to 4.4+, and PHP version requirement to 5.4+
* TWEAK: Purge caches when updating a plugin / theme (also when updating using a ZIP archive)
* TWEAK: Improve the admin bar “cache” menu
* TWEAK: Show information about Cloudflare support
* TWEAK: Database optimization – Resume optimizing when a timeout occurs
* TWEAK: Remove redundant code
* TWEAK: Cache feature – Do not cache pages with fatal errors
* TWEAK: Cache feature – Do not cache RSS feeds
* TWEAK: Page cacheing – Prevent adding the “comment cookie” when ordering on WooCommerce

= v3.1.4 =
* FIX: Prevent fatal error when updating
* FIX: Unused images – restore from trash UI issue
* FIX: Premium – Unused images – Images trash works on multisite
* TWEAK: Prevent GLOB_BRACE warning on systems not supporting it
* TWEAK: Minify – Reset minified files when saving an Elementor page or post
* TWEAK: Minify – Purge cached assets when UpdraftCentral was updated.
* TWEAK: Minify – Enable users to defer all JavaScript, including the merged and minified assets
* TWEAK: Minify – Improve general compatibility with The Events Calendar and other plugins
* TWEAK: Image compression – prevent database warning when the table `ewwwio_images` does not exist
* TWEAK: Image compression – Detect already compressed images by other plugins (ShortPixel Image Optimizer, Smush, Imagify, Compress JPEG & PNG images by TinyPNG, EWWW Image Optimizer)
* TWEAK: Image compression – Added compression stats in the Media Library’s list view
* TWEAK: Image compression – Possibility to restore all compressed images
* TWEAK: Image compression – Remove NitroSmush service, which is no longer active.
* TWEAK: Image compression – Tweak user agent when requesting to
* TWEAK: Preserve selected optimizations when saving settings
* TWEAK: Page caching – Prevent PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘comment_status’ of non-object
* TWEAK: Cache – Do not serve from cache when a user has posted a comment
* TWEAK: Cache feature – Added integration with Cloudflare (Premium)
* TWEAK: Page caching – Rename variables in the global context to more specific names
* TWEAK: Premium – Prevent potential JS error in the “unused images” feature
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Add support for Slider Revolution
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – use the URL stored in attachment meta-data as fallback
* TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Only fetch image informations when requesting the information to be displayed
* TWEAK: Premium – Lazy-load – Show a notice when a known plugin also provides lazy-loading, instead of disabling the feature
* TWEAK: Minify – Only load the required vendor classes instead of using composer’s autoload in order to prevent compatibility issues
* TWEAK: Minify – Added filters `wpo_minify_get_js` and `wpo_minify_get_css` to enable users to do extra processing before saving the code
* TWEAK: Minify – Prevent PHP warning when no log is present
* TWEAK: Minify – Prevent error when the function gzencode doesn’t exist
* TWEAK: Removed MetaSlider notice in the notices collection

⭐Similar Suggestions: WP Rocket – Best WordPress Cache Plugin

Download WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.10 do our best to share Free(GPL and nulled)WordPress Themes, Plugins, and other PHP Scripts. We always try our best to search for the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you could always Download files and could remain updated with more latest updates. All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours. If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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